Security Teams at IPSL receive Silver Fox Awards

Following a series of audits throughout 2015, the security team currently contracted to IPSL premises have been awarded the 2015 Silver Fox Certificate for three of their sites – Northampton, Milton Keynes and Bradford.

In addition, four individual awards were made this year to the Security Officers who had prevented unauthorised access to the premises. The awards were made to Lynda Tarplee and Pearline Morgan based in Northampton and Neil Chater and Vincent Gah based in Milton Keynes.

On 22 January 2016, Lynda Moore from FM Contract Watch presented the Silver Fox Certificate at the Northampton premises to Supervisor, Grenville Calvert, in the presence of Lud Moran – Senior Facilities Manager and Stuart Bonner – Head of Facilities. Lynda Tarplee was also presented with the individual award.

We congratulate the security teams and, in particular, the 4 Officers who received individual awards, on their excellent work and vigilance throughout the year when faced with an auditor attempting to gain unauthorised access to the premises.